The Louis Kamper and Stevens Buildings are two historic properties located on Washington Blvd in downtown Detroit. The buildings completed in 1926 and 1910 respectively, originally housed banking and retail uses, but were converted to 165 units senior housing in the early 1980s. Roxbury, in partnership with Invest Detroit acquired the buildings in 2016 with the intent of maintaining the properties as 100% affordable senior housing and reactivating the nearly 9,000 square feet of long-dormant retail. At the end of 2017, the team completed an $18 million recapitalization of the properties utilizing low income and historic tax credits, as well as debt financing through MSHDA and City of Detroit HOME funding. This financing is facilitating a full exterior restoration of both buildings as well as complete renovation of all residential units, and mechanical, electrical, and plumbing upgrades. The buildings were fully restored in 2019.